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Occupiers and fellow citizens support the changes that will allow you and your children to work toward fulfilling your, and your posterity's dreams, and millions of your fellow Americans dreams!



What will help fulfill grievances, and the dreams of the younger generation, the middle and working class, and close the wealth gap between the classes?

Get ready to participate in democracy!!

Sign The Petitions That Will Help Fulfill The Dream. We do not want blood flowing in the streets.


What is all the buzz about? Have you read the hottest story on the Internet? “Six Days Under A Tarp – NYC Occupy Wall St- Zuccotti Park”

My name is Leonard C. Tekaat I need your help to prevent blood from flowing in the streets!

First, let me introduce myself I am a retired small businessman, financier, investor, author, economic scholar with over forty years experience in the world of home financing and housing investment. I have a lifetime Ca. Teaching Certificate. I am the Chairman of a special Committee for Economic Reform and A Better Economic Future. We are the creators of the People’s Economic Recovery Plan. Posted at www.foreclosurecrisissolved.wordpress.com/  www.recoverygovforthepeople.wordpress.com


I did not realize it until I spent 6 days with NYC Occupy Wall ST, that I am the

First Occupier. I have been battling to change the policies that continuously help increase the wealth gap between the classes, since 198I, when I wrote the book titled “Inflation The Economy Killer, How to Create, Control and Stop High Inflation”.

I realize our economy currently has a low Consumer Price Index number. I am thinking of the past, future, and our economy’s present economic condition. Before almost every recession there occurs either a financial bubble or high inflation. I will get back to the cycles of the economy later in this article.

Currently, I believe people are finally starting to wake up to the fact that the middle class, and the working class are the backbone of the economy; it is not Wall St., the big banks, big businesses, or big government. If the middle class and small businesses are down, the economy is down. The economic power and voting is with them. They outnumber the rich by more than a million to one. They have come to the realization that they don't have to take the leftovers anymore.

The people with extra cash can play their games of wealth protection and “investment” of their accumulated money, but without the masses participating in the economy all value will decrease for lack of demand for products and services, as it did in the Great Depression.

John Maynard Keynes, the noted British economist, was correct about demand, but he did not leave us with the correct tools to reduce excessive demand when inflation, or economic bubblesare occurring. This is what the book is about.

But, you say,  we do not have excessive demand currently on Main St. We have insufficient demand. Insufficient total demand is the problem that must be fixed right now, not later!!

The younger generation, the middle, and the working class are getting tired of being ignored.  They are frustrated with Congress and President Obama for not changing the policies that would improve their opportunity to provide for themselves. Perhaps Congress and the President don't know what to do to improve the economy. All the ideas I have heard come out of Washington is the same Oh, same Oh!  Perhaps they need directions to put the puzzle back together again. Let’s tell them HOW.

The middle class, working class, the Occupy Wall St. groups do not know how to fix the economy either, but they do know that it must change. They want a better future, where they can realize their dreams, no matter what their American Dream is. This is why people are marching in the streets, and occupying Wall St. They believe they have been short changed. That after working for so many years to accumulate a little piece of the pie, many of them have lost almost every thing. They don't feel secure about their future.
They know that the “Big Boys” the “Politically Connected” and the “Disadvantaged” got the “Gold Mine”, and they are going to get the “Shaft” (“BILL”) in the future with higher taxes, or with an inflation tax, which will create more poverty.

I am afraid that unless we can change the direction of the White House, and Congress there is going to be blood in the streets!

The Occupy Wall St movement is occupying sites all around the world, to draw attention to the younger generations’, the middle’s and the working class’s plight. They are fighting with the only effective tools they have, public opinion and non-violence. They are fighting for a better future for themselves and their posterity. They are fighting for the millions of people that cannot join them at Zuccotti Park, a few blocks away from Wall St,  the Financial Center of the world. They are protesting for the policemen, and women that stand guard to protect them, and subdue the democratic energy of the people, and the words Freedom, Justice, Responsibility and Opportunity for ALL.

The middle class, working class and the Occupiers, do not want to take away, by majority rule, what other people have. They want a level field of responsibility, and an economy that provides the opportunities, so they can work to obtain whatever position of wealth they desire.

Most importantly, they want to maintain that piece of pie, they have obtained through hard work. They do  not want to see it reduced, or eliminated by circumstances beyond their control every 8 to10 years, as in the past, when a recessions have occurred.

They want guiding policies put in effect that increase the chance that a person will succeed. They do not want  a repeat of the mortgage crisis that led to the financial crisis. They do not want credit obligations that were given to people who were obviously going to fail at paying the money back.  They want credit terms that will strengthen the economy, and that they will succeed at.

For every person failing on their credit obligations, the economy and the financial sector get weaker. The more people that  succeed in life; the liabilities of the government decreases, and therefore fewer taxes are needed for social programs.

The credit games we play, during the inflation cycle, and economic bubbles, and the leveraging of debt to increase paper profits, decreases the productivity of our economy. The excessive creation of paper profits that Wall St., Big Banks, and investors do, only creates more and more money.

The government doesn't create inflation.

We create our own inflation when we walk through the bank’s door, and ask for credit. We multiply the money created by the government 10 times. During the primary housing bubble years, we were multiplying money up to 40 times through the fractional banking system. This is how you create a primary home price bubble, or any economic bubble, by people creating an excessive amount debt.  Debt represents money in our economy. To one person it is debt; to another person who loaned the person the money, it is capital and income.

Wall St was selling all the debt, that was being created, to investors around the world. The Big Banks and Wall St played our government, investors around the world, and American families for suckers. Now they are hiding behind the curtain of the law. They are saying’ “We didn't do anything illegal.” Sure it was not illegal. They lobbied Congress, and former Presidents to change the law. They knew exactly what they wanted to do!

What they did was immoral. Making them richer and us poorer. And guess what! They want to do it all over again, by changing the laws back to the way they were before the financial melt down occurred.

Without sufficient supply, the creation of all this debt (money), creates rising prices (inflation), which creates more poverty, and increases government liabilities.

Rising collateral prices means that the banks can create more money (debt) based on higher collateral prices. If collateral prices rise 30% in one year, they can increase the amount of the loan (money being created) by 30%. Did your wages increase by 30% to pay back the loan. This is why the primary home bubble exploded in our faces. While the management of these corporations and firms walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars, we, the taxpayers bailed out the corporations, and their businesses.

The big banks, and Wall St. firms need to participate in re-balancing the economy, since they played such a large part in creating the financial crisis.  The middle and working class should not be the only people paying the price, when we all played a part in turning our economy upside down. Shame on those businesses, corporations, and people, that played the system, and sold their souls to gain an extra buck, or hundreds of millions of dollars. Was it worth it? Is the misery we created worth it.  Yes, it is you; the person that is looking back at you each morning in the mirrow. You know who you are, You can not hide from yourself. Step up, and help rectify what you helped destroy!


Our economy has been misguided for decades. That is why there is such a large wealth gap between the classes. It is not capitalism per-say. The problem with our economy, and the world’s economy is the guidance policies, and the misconception that rich people want to create jobs.

The people with money want to protect, and increase their wealth through “paper profit investments” and hedging in the commodities market. It is the people that are hungry to fulfill their dreams, that increase employment, and create new businesses, that create new jobs.

Businesses, consumers and entrepreneur may need financing to buy a home, expand or start a new business. They need something of value, the banks or investors will accept as collateral to guarantee the loan. It is important that the collateral value remain stable. Housing, buildings, and land value is the collateral for most loans. It must not increase too quickly or fall in value too much, to be good collateral, and a driver for economic expansion.

During the housing bubble the price of the collateral was increasing too much each year, that is why the economy collapsed, and we had the financial crisis, which started the Great Recession in 2008.

We are the government. We can change the policies that create economic bubbles, and the devastating cycles of high inflation and deep recessions, as explained on my web sites.

We are all in this plane together. If it goes down there may not be enough survivors to rebuild what we as a nation of free people have created.

It cost less to keep “Humpty Dumpty” on the wall, than to pay all the “kings men” to stand him back up, and put him back up on the wall again.
Do you remember the top income tax rate being 90%, and World War II? The preceding, all occurred after a financial crisis similar to the one that occurred in September 2008.

We are not out of the woods yet, we must strengthen the middle, and working class’s financial condition, so our economy can have the stable values it needs to grow again, to increase the standard of living of all our citizens.

There can be no greater reward than to bend down, and give your brother or sister a hand up. I am not talking about giving a person money. That would be an easy way to make you feel good. I am talking about opening opportunity for them, so they can  provide for themselves, and the standard of living they desire. It could be a job. A new beginning. Tutoring, a complement, advice if they seek it. There are so many ways you can  help improve your life, and other people’s lives. Look outward not inward, and your universe will expand along with all the people you meet along your path of life. The journey is as important, as the designation. Happiness comes from involvement and participation. Enjoy what ever you are doing. Laugh a lot, live a lot, and take a deep breath, and relax.  Together we will succeed, is my advice, if you seek it.

There are three articles I would like everyone to take the time to read, if you are rich or poor or somewhere in between.

“Alternative Mortgage Terms, Private Sector Solution For Job Creation and Economic Recovery”, which outlines what guiding policies need to be corrected to properly guide the economy, and a plan to restart the economy, and create jobs in the private sector of our economy. It is located at

http://www.foreclosurecrisissolved.wordpress.com The other articles I believe you should read are: "Eliminate The Fed Income Tax And !0 Other Fixes For Our Economy" and “Six Days Under A Tarp-Occupy Wall St.- Zuccotti Park” is posted at
http://www.recoverygovforthepeople.wordpress.com It has important information included in it. (again if you have trouble getting through put the address in your browser and search)

I have posted seven Petitions at the White House’s petition site; six of the Petitions pertain to the People’s Economic Recovery Plan, and the creation of jobs in the private sector. The other Petition pertains to the Pledge Of Allegiance. Just click on the links to view, and sign the Petitions.

The country needs these Petitions to go viral on the web. My goal is to obtain 1 million signatures by Dec. 5, 2011 to garner enough support for the Plan, that the President, and Congress will wake up to the needs of the people, and pay attention to the common sense voice of the people, and quit their bickering.

You can view and sign the Petitions at these sites: http://wh.gov/bUT/   http://wh.gov/bUB  http://wh.gov/bUKhttp://wh.gov/bUO/  http://wh.gov/bU9/ http://wh.gov/bUX/  http://wh.gov/b9G/

The Plan, if applied correctly will not cost taxpayers a dime, and will not lower or raise taxes, but it will increase productive growth in our economy, and make it more efficient in eliminating poverty, instead of creating it.

It will take your participation. determined effort, and a united strong quite voice, but we as nation of free people can change our, and our children’s future !!! Change will only come about with your active participation, cemented with written petitions, and peaceful demonstration.


My contact information is Leonard C. Tekaat economic scholar.


P. S.  If you support the ideas that I have expressed in this article, and you support Occupy Wall St., rough as it is around the edges, like most upstart movements and start up businesses until they find their direction; remember, it is the message,  not the messenger, that is important. Please, Please take the time to sign the Petitions. It is so important for all of us. The White House will not even look at the Petitions until they each have 25,000 signatures They will then evaluate them, and send everyone, who signed the Petition a notification. That is when the fun will really start.

This article is not copyrighted so you can e-mail, or twitte where the article is posted to all your followers, and the people you are following. Ask them to RT the location of the article. Send it to your friends on facebook and around the worldand your contacts. E-mail it to newspapers, and other people. TV stations and other news sources. It will soon be posted at: www.foreclosurecrisissolved.wordpress.com or http://t.co/OYVNb7re/

Do not forget to send it to The Wall St. Journal, and our own Occupy Wall St. Journal. This is very important!

Please send it to members of Congress and President Obama.

I agree with Senator Isakson, and his 32 fellow US Senators, that to have a robust economic recovery, we must improve the primary home market. The problem is that we can do a better job than what is being proposed by them. . See our Plan, and then check theirs out.

The primary home market is interconnected with everything else. You do not need to buy a refrigerator or a bed, if you do not have a home, or house to put them in. Primary homes are what everything else is built around in a community. Large population areas hold our nation together by attracting small, and big businesses to set up shop, to provide the people with products and services. A home is protection from the weather, and security for the family or person. A robust primary home market creates households, and puts people back to work.

The Great Recession started in 2008, over three years ago. Keynesian deficit spending economic stimulus policies have failed to bring about a strong recovery. Not much has changed for the millions of people who are unemployed, or have lost their homes to foreclosure. I believe that most of us will agree, that the primary home market is a drag on the economy. I believe we agree that  Main St. must improve before the overall economy will fully recover.

We wrote the People’s Plan in Oct of 2008, in rebuttal to the use of Keynesian Economic Policies that were going to be used to stimulate the economy with an enormous amount of deficit spending. We wrote it also because we disagree to how the TARP money was given, or used to bailout the financial sector.  We felt that the 780 billion dollar stimulus bill would entomb our posterity in a mountain of debt.

Do you agree that the financial condition of the middle, and working class people must be improved before any more roads, or bridges are repaired?  Do you agree that Main St's. economy must improve before the overall economy will fully recover, and unemployment will decrease? Then you must support the People's Economic Recovery Plan, and please sign the Petitions!!


written by Leonard Tekaat

aka firstoccupier

Oct 17, 2011

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